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Recovery From An Affair

"I liken an affair to the shattering of a Waterford crystal vase. You can glue it back together, but it will never be the same." -John Gottman.


Recovery from an affair... is it possible? The answer is yes. It takes it takes willingness, time, skills and patience. It won't be the same relationship after the affair, you will build a new one with your partner.

Sessions I offer are based on The Gottman Institute's work. The Gottmans have a 3 step method for relationships and it gives couples a way to start to rebuild the relationship.

Steps you need to take:

Firstly, the person who has been having the affair - needs to stop seeing the other person that they are involved with. Break it off forever - and never have contact again. If the partner who has been having the affair is willing to do this, and you are both willing to work towards repairing your relationship - then we can work through the other steps together.


Your commitment to taking action is essential to the outcome of relationship counselling. You and your partner need to both be willing to have honest, interactions in order to create the relationship you desire. You may need to make some changes to some of your behaviour. You may need to learn some new skills, find out what each other's needs are, be transparent in our actions. Are you willing?

You are not alone - I have helped couples who wanted to heal from betrayal, learn how to handle conflict, work through grief and loss, talk over difficult issues and start to move on.

Lets work together... for an appointment click here for contact info.

Couples counselling/coaching relationship sessions are not appropriate when: you or your partner is having an ongoing affair - disclosed or secret, or if there is domestic violence. Individuals can certainly attend counselling by themselves.

"Many people think that the secret to reconnecting with their partner is a candlelit dinner, or a by-the-sea vacation.

The real secret is to turn toward each other in the little ways. " - Dr John Gottman

Lennox Head Counselling and Coaching - help along life's journey.