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About Us

about us counsellor image

"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love." - Rumi

Counsellor: Kareen Fellows
B.Soc.Sc, RAD, Dip Welfare, Dip Remedial Massage, Level 5 Lomi Bodywork

Psychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen says we need to look at; our physical health, our emotional health, our psychological health and our spiritual health. That when one of those 4 areas is out of balance, that we are out of balance. I think this holistic approach (that is - looking at the whole person) is a really helpful way to start reflecting on our lives.

So when you come along for counselling, we will look at these various areas, and how putting some focus and attention, then taking little steps each day, can help create a really lovely life for yourself. BTW Doc Amen's Instagram page is full of helpful talks.

I spent quite a few years working in Port Macquarie and if you click on the link to my Port Macquarie Counselling blog, and you will see some of the areas that I can help in, and resources you can tap into.


  • BA Degree from Southern Cross University
  • Majors in Counselling/Sociology/Psychology
  • Mindfulness Training UCLA
  • Inner Child John Bradshaw
  • Relationship Studies with the Gottman Institute
  • Grief recovery
  • Certificate in Life Coaching
  • ACT Therapy with Dr Russ Harris
  • Hypnotherapy Diploma. mindfulness art journal page

    Alternate Therapies

    I also offer sessions in journalling, 10 minute writing exercises, Mandala and The Artist's Way - a 12 week self development series. There is no need for previous experience or any art or writing ability. And don't stress, you don't have to worry about spelling either.

    Thank you for visiting today. We all go through difficult times, every single one of us. At some point or another, we will run into loss and experience grief. We may experience ill health or relationship breakdown.

    It's especially during these challenging times, that it can be so helpful to have someone skilled in listening, who has some tools to offer us, to help us along the way.

    Perhaps you are looking for help for yourself, or for a loved one. I offer sessions for individuals, as well as for couples. I offer help for those going through grief and loss, and for general life issues.

    identify problems but give your energy to solutions

    After competing my degree in Counselling / Psychology / Sociology, I studied relationship therapy with The Gottman Institute for couples wishing to help their relationships, or repair after an affair or betrayal. I also trained in ACT therapy with Dr Russ Harris, Mindfulness, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy.

    My degrees in life; I have been married for 35 years. I am a mother of two boys of my own and two step sons, and am a grandparent.

    My first career was as a hairdresser. I learned to appreciate how helpful it was for people to visit the salon, and have a chat to the stylist. There's a lot more to hairdressing than doing hair, and many people unburden themselves to their hairdresser.

    I watched people trying to change their lives, by getting a new haircut or colour, and wonder why they didn't feel better. I became more interested in listening to people and their cares and concerns than doing their hair, so I took myself off and did a series of courses in counselling, Lifeline training and relationship workshops.

    I value my years of life experience, in all the roles I have chosen. In my 60's now, I believe that these life skills, in addition to my formal training, gives me a deep personal understanding of this human journey we are all on.

    I am deeply appreciative of how presence, kindness, gratitude and deep listening helps every one of us.

    Lennox Head Counselling and Coaching - help along life's journey.