The Emotional Bank Account
When I'm out and about, I seem to hear a lot of people talking about money. How prices have gone up, property values, and how difficult it is for young ones to start.
And that's all true, however, I rarely hear anyone talking about Relationships and how they are investing in them. What's the state of your relationship bank account?
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Relationship Skills - Active Listening
Active listening is important because it keeps us positively engaged with each other. Whether the 'other' is a partner, a child, a family member, a social or work situations.
Recall a time, you felt really heard by someone. When you recall that time, what was happening? What was the listener doing? Chances are, you felt like you were the only thing that mattered, and that the person was really fascinated by what you had to say. This is called presence. We put aside everything else for the person in front of us. It is such a precious gift to give another.
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Recovery from an affair.
Is it possible? The answer is yes. It takes it takes willingness, time, skills and patience. It won't be the same relationship after the affair, you will build a new one with your partner.
Sessions I offer are based on The Gottman Institute's work. The Gottmans have a 3 step method for relationships and it gives couples a way to start to rebuild the relationship.
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The Emotional Affair.
An emotional affair usually starts out innocently enough as a friendship. We all need close, supportive friendships. However, when that friendship goes beyond friendship into emotional intimacy, we need to be aware that we are moving into dangerous territory.
An emotional affair, is an affair where intimate details are being shared with another person other than the marriage partner. An emotional affair creates distance between the married couple. An emotional affair is a threat to a marriage.
The problem with emotional affairs, is that they don't seem to be a concern - at first.
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Lennox Head Counselling and Coaching - help along life's journey.
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